Saturday, December 25, 2010

How does faith relate to the world in which we live?

Faith is as important in our daily lives as food is to keeping us alive. Now, there are different 'kinds' of faith. For example, there's the simple faith that you have in your car as you drive to work every day. You believe that it will take you to your destination, and it won't fail half-way there. You have faith in your car. Then, there's also the faith that we have in ourselves. We believe that we will be able to perform whatever tasks we have in mind, like taking out the trash, or running to the store, without hurting ourselves half-way there. So we do have faith in worldly things every day. But, that is not the type of faith that is most often challenged. Faith in the metaphysical is the biggest concern for most people. Whether we are Christian or Atheist, we all have faith in the metaphysical. For Christians, we have faith in our God. We act out in faith, we proclaim the Gospel in faith, and we follow God in faith. For Atheists, they have faith that there is no God. They live life like this is it, acting on their faith that there is no God, no life after death. Everyone has faith, but some of us just have faith in different things.
So how does faith relate to this world?
The most basic faith is faith in the seen. A chair, a car, etc.
The most advanced faith is faith in the unseen, the metaphysical. Faith in God.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post - your definition is concise and shows deep reflection. Well done.
